BLAST Re-assessment

After 9 days of instruction, students are given an opportunity to show their mastery of the skills they've been taught. In this reassessment, the teacher uses materials similar to those on the BLAST assessment. A student will be considered to have mastery if they can correctly identify 80% of the assessment items.

BLAST Regrouping

After each round, students are reassessed and placed into new groups depending on their progress.
Students working on phonological Awareness skills, toolkits 1 to 4,
After showing mastery of a skill, students working on phonics skills, toolkits 5 to 12, move onto

BLAST intervention lessons strengthen the foundational skills students need to be successful readers. We must also ensure teaching staff has the foundational knowledge about Phonological Awareness, Phonics, and reading development to support the effective delivery of the BLAST toolkit lessons.
For this multi-class, multi-grade, or whole-school intervention to be successful, staff must have a shared understanding of the essential components of reading development so that they can use this knowledge when explicitly teaching skills to students.
Literacy Training: essential pre-literacy skills, developmental progressions, components of effective early reading instruction
BLAST Intervention Training- analyzing student data, tracking student progress, monitoring student progression through skills
Blast Toolkit Training- utilizing toolkit materials, explicit teaching strategies, maximizing student engagement
The BLAST approach to intervention maximizes the collective strength of an educational team to focus on meeting the individual and diverse needs of their students.
The BLAST Intervention meet the individual and diverse needs of students
by maximizing the collective strength of their educational team.