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What is BLAST?
BLAST is a multi-grade approach to intervention,
using student assessment data to combine students
in small dynamic groups where they receive
explicit instruction and master the skills they need
to become proficient readers.

How does it work?
ASSESS students
The BLAST assessment is used with each student to identify any skill area students have not mastered.
groups of 6
30 minutes/day
9 days
Students with the same needs are placed into groups of no more than 6. Groups are made up of students from different classes and grades.
Groups meet every day during a 30-minute BLAST intervention block. During this time, no class is scheduled in a 'special class' (gym, music, library, etc.).
Teachers and support staff lead the instruction of a targeted skill across the 9 days in each BLAST round. Skills are explicitly taught and practiced each day.
RE-ASSESS students
Students are re-assessed and move on to the next toolkit when they show mastery of the targeted skill.
The BLAST approach to intervention maximizes the collective strength of an educational team to focus on meeting the individual and diverse needs of their students.

Running a multi-class, multi-grade or whole-school intervention takes planning and organization. There are many components to consider and decisions to be made before, during, and after each intervention round. BLAST supports each step of the process.
The BLAST approach to intervention:
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